Gloucester Center Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software


These By-Laws are established under the authority of Article 11 of the GCMHA Constitution.


  1. The President (Voting Member) shall be responsible for all aspects of the operation of the Association; shall preside at all meetings; shall not vote except in the case of a tie when he/she shall cast the tie-breaking vote; shall ensure that all meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order; shall exercise the authority of the Association in cases of emergency, subject to ratification by the entire Executive Committee within a reasonable period of time; shall be the official spokesperson for the Association as a member of the Gloucester Hockey Association Board of Directors.
  2. The Immediate Past President (Voting Member) shall act in an advisory capacity to the President; may hold the position of Chairperson of a Standing or Special Committee as requested by the President; may represent the GCMHA at the GHA Board of Directors meeting in the absence of the President & Vice-President.
  3. Vice President (Voting Member) shall report to the President and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or on request and shall have all the rights and powers of that position when so doing; when acting as President, shall not vote except in the case of a tie when he/she shall cast the tie-breaking vote; may hold the position of Chairperson of a Standing or Special Committee as requested by the President; shall ensure that the duties of the Treasurer, Registrar, Ice Manager & Scheduler, Chairperson – GCMHA Cougar Cup Tournament, Chairperson – Fundraising/Sponsorship, Chairperson – Social Media, Secretary & Website Content Manager are carried out properly; shall be a member of the GCMHA Discipline Committee.
  4. Chairperson – Discipline (Voting Member) shall report to the President and shall be the chairperson of the Discipline Committee which shall be composed of the Vice President, the Director – Hockey Operations and/or Director Hockey Development and the appropriate Level Convenor; shall attend (or delegate a Committee member to attend) the regular meetings of the GHA Discipline Board; shall keep records of all GCMHA disciplinary matters; and shall deal with any disciplinary problems as might arise in the GCMHA jurisdiction.
  5. Director – Hockey Operations (Voting Member) shall report to the President and be responsible for the operation of the Association’s House League teams; shall be responsible for the selection of all House League coaches, shall be responsible for the evaluation/try-out process at the beginning of each season including the selection of all evaluators; shall be responsible for overseeing & directing the activities of all Level Convenors; shall be responsible for resolving and disputes/disagreements that may arise with the House League teams.
  6. Director – Competitive Hockey (Voting Member) shall report to the President and shall be a GCMHA representative to the Rep B Blues committee; shall be the GCMHA alternative to the President in competitive league matters; shall be involved in the disciplinary hearings at the competitive level involving GCMHA players; shall be involved in the competitive coaches’ interviews & selections; & shall report all Rep B activities to the GCMHA Executive Committee on a regular basis.
  7. Director – Hockey Development (Voting Member) shall report to the President and be responsible for all player and coach development activities within the GCMHA including the power skating and goalie development programs & specially designed programs to assist coaches at all House League levels.
  8. Director – OUTREACH Program (Voting Member) shall report to the President and shall be responsible for designing & operating the GCMHA OUTREACH Program that is intended to identify low income families who do not have the means to participate in the GCMHA hockey program and to provide them with the encouragement, guidance and financial support to play hockey.
  9. The Level Convenors (Voting Members) under the direction of the Director – Hockey Operations shall:
  • Oversee the operation of all teams at their level;
  • Run the team evaluations at the start of the season in accordance with instructions from the Director – Hockey Operations;
  • Prior to the start of the season, convene a meeting of all team coaches & managers at their level for the purpose of informing them of what is expected of the in accordance with these By-laws;
  • As deemed necessary, discuss Association policies and principles with team officials concerning their conduct or that of their players;
  • If circumstances dictate, recommend to the Discipline Committee that appropriate disciplinary action be taken against offending team officials or players;
  • In cases of flagrant misconduct, intoxication, public displays of anger or other actions deemed to be sufficiently severe, immediately take whatever action is deemed practical in the circumstances. Such actions will be subject to review by the Discipline Committee; and
  • Attend as many league games as possible to ensure compliance with these By-laws by team officials & players.
  1. The GHA Convenor Representative (Voting Member) shall be responsible to the Director – Hockey Operations for overseeing/approving all game swaps & rescheduling for GCMHA teams.
  2. Coordinator – Risk & Safety (Voting member) shall report to the President and shall ensure that all GCMHA volunteers have police checks done and complete the Respect in Sports course; shall communicate Risk & Safety policies from the GHA & Hockey Eastern Ontario to team officials & the GCMHA Executive Committee  and ensure that they are enforced; shall attend Risk & Safety meetings & awareness sessions hosted by the GHA and Hockey Eastern Ontario; and shall coordinate the hosting of Coach/Trainer Clinics as required.
  3. The Equipment Manager (Voting Member) shall report to the Vice President and be responsible for the purchase, maintenance & proper storage of all GCMHA equipment; maintaining an up-to-date equipment inventory; loaning of jerseys to teams and their recovery at the end of each season; and the repair & cleaning of equipment as required.
  4.  The Treasurer (Voting Member) shall report to the Vice President and shall be responsible for receiving all monies payable to the GCMHA and to deposit same in a bank account to the credit of the Gloucester Centre Minor Hockey Association; shall prepare payment for all expenses incurred by the Association; shall present an updated written financial report at all scheduled Executive Committee meetings & the Annual General meetings, shall present the Treasurer’s Annual Report at the GCMHA Annual General Meeting; shall provide detailed financial information to the GCMHA Audit Committee members every two months for their review 7 sign-off; shall prepare a draft annual budget for consideration by the Executive Committee; and shall maintain detailed financial records which are subject to independent audit.
  5. The Registrar (Voting Member) shall report to the Vice President and shall be responsible for the preparation, administration and provision of supplies for the registration of GCMHA hockey players; shall ensure that all those registered qualify for play in the GCMHA in accordance with GCMHA by-law No. 4 e); shall ensure that all relevant documentation is presented at the time of registration;  shall ensure that the required registration fees have been paid or arranged to be paid; shall keep accurate records for all registered players, & shall prepare player lists by division for distribution to the Convenors. 
  6. The Ice Manager/Scheduler (Voting Member) shall report to the Vice President and be responsible for the procurement of all practice ice required by the GCMHA, shall serve as the GCMHA representative at the GHA Ice Scheduling Committee; shall distribute the practice ice to the teams in accordance with the standards set by the GCMHA Executive Committee; shall sell any surplus ice; and shall approve all invoices and/or payment of ice purchased.
  7. Chairperson – GCMHA Cougar Cup Tournament (Voting Member) shall be responsible to the Vice President for planning, organizing & running the annual GCMHA Cougar Cup tournament.
  8. Chairperson – Fundraising/Sponsorship (Voting Member) shall be responsible to the Vice President for creating a fundraising/sponsorship program for the GCMHA, soliciting sponsors, organizing & running fundraising events, and ensuring that sponsors receive proper recognition for their sponsorship (website advertising, sponsorship boards, plaques, sponsor bars, etc).
  9. Chairperson – Social Media (Voting Member) shall be responsible to the Vice President for creating and maintaining a social media presence for the GCMHA on social media sites like Facebook & Twitter.
  10. The Secretary (Voting Member) shall report to the Vice President and shall be responsible to issue notices of all meetings; to prepare meeting Agendas; to write and distribute the Minutes of all meetings; & to have custody of all documents and records (except financial records) pertaining to the affairs of the GCMHA.
  11. Web Content Manager (Voting Member) shall be responsible to the Vice President for managing the content of the GCMHA website and ensuring that all information on the site is up-to-date.


a. The GCMHA Executive shall have full control of the affairs of the GCMHA and shall have power to amend, within the terms of the Constitution, the By-Laws, Rules, Duties and Regulations of the GCMHA. Immediate notice of all such changes shall be forwarded to all team officials by the Level Convenors.

b. Unless granted a leave of absence by the GCMHA Executive, any Executive member of the GCMHA who absents himself/herself from two consecutive meetings without just cause may have his/her office declared vacant by the Executive.

c. If a GCMHA executive member participates in activities with interests conflicting with those of the GCMHA and his/her activities or conduct are detrimental to the interest of, or a discredit to the GCMHA and its members, his/her office may be declared vacant by a simple majority vote of all members of the Executive.

d. Should a vacancy occur among the elected Executive, that vacancy may be filled in accordance with Article 6 c. of the Constitution.

e. The Executive, may reprimand or suspend any team official, team, individual player, under GCMHA jurisdiction, for any conduct, individual or collective, on ice or off, that in the opinion of the Executive is either:

1. Contrary to the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship;

2. A serious or continuing infraction of the playing rules, or the Constitutions, By-Laws, Duties, Rules and Regulations of the GCMHA, GHA, ODMHL, ODMHA, CHA or any other affiliated minor hockey organization or association; or

3. Detrimental to the interests of, or a discredit to the GCMHA and its members.

f. The Executive shall determine all questions arising from emergencies not provided for in the Constitution, the By-Laws and/or the Rules, Duties and Regulations.

g. Each year the Executive shall solicit applications for position of coaches and request such applications on a prescribed form.

h. Coaches' appointments shall be recommended by a committee consisting of the Vice-President: Hockey Operations; the Director: House Leagues and the Director: Development. Any decision against the recommendation of the committee should be by a simple majority vote of the Executive. The term of office as a Coach shall commence with the above vote and expire April 30 of the following year.


a. Coaches will supply to the Director: House League, a list of potential team officials immediately following selection of the team players. The appointment of these team officials must be approved by the Vice President: Hockey Operations.

b. A volunteer accepting the appointment as a team official shall automatically be listed as a member of the GCMHA and shall abide by the GCMHA Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, Duties and Regulations and any other regulations of the affiliated associations.

c. All Team Officials must comply with the coaching guidelines established by the GCMHA Executive.


a. The registration process and the registration fee shall be determined by the GCMHA Executive at the May monthly meeting.

b. Proof of age such as a birth certificate, baptism record, or sworn affidavit must be presented at the players' first registration. Each year, the parent or guardian of the player must be present to sign the registration card or form releasing the GCMHA, its members, from any liability, etc.

c. At time of registration, the Registrar shall determine the age group of hockey the boy/girl, who shall then be placed according to his/her age as of December 31 of the current year in accordance with CHA rules.

d. In accordance with the zone and district rules and regulations, no resident in the GCMHA area may register for minor hockey with any other organization, league or association, in or outside of the old City of Gloucester, except in the school he or she is attending and playing school hockey. Any request for transfer of registration must first be submitted for approval of the GCMHA Executive.

e. An individual who was registered with the GCMHA in the season prior to the current season and has moved from the GCMHA area, but continues to reside within the City of Gloucester, may continue to play in the GCMHA if there is room on a team in his/her category. Players must first register in their Association of residency and request a transfer to the GCMHA.


a. Once a player is placed on a team in the GCMHA then his/her first obligation will be to that hockey team. If the player is found to be playing for a hockey team, other than his/her school hockey team, then the player shall be removed from the GCMHA team, upon the recommendation of the Discipline Committee and approval of the GCMHA Executive.


a. The GCMHA shall provide the opportunity for those registered to participate in the Initiation Program, or a division of hockey as prescribed by the GHA.


a. No GCMHA hockey team shall become affiliated with any other hockey association or organization, or participate in an interlocking game schedule or any other hockey game schedule, unless approved by the GCMHA Executive.


a. The playing rules of the CHA, ODMHA, ODMHL, GHA, or any other organization, league, association, etc., that the GCMHA becomes affiliated with shall apply.

b. When there is a discipline matter involving a player, or team official, that is to be dealt with by the GCMHA Discipline Committee, that player or team official shall be suspended and the hearing shall be held no later than seven (7) days following the incident.

c. All matters of discipline resulting from other areas, leagues, organizations or associations that involve a GCMHA player or team official shall be reviewed by the GCMHA Discipline Committee.


a. All monies of the GCMHA shall be held by the GCMHA Executive in an approved financial institution to the credit of GCMHA. The Treasurer shall be responsible to pay all invoices and shall receive and keep control of all monies and expenditures in accordance with the GCMHA budget.

b. The GCMHA funds are derived from registration fees, sponsors, donations, fund raising and grants where available.

c. The GCMHA Executive may require the countersigning of all cheques on GCMHA bank accounts. A minimum of one member of the Executive in addition to the Treasurer shall have signing authority.

d. The GCMHA Executive shall regularly (2-4 years) appoint an independent financial auditor and an annual audit shall be done in regards to the GCMHA financial records.

e. Refunds of registration fees for players who withdraw for any reason will be subject to the following charges:

  • After September 1st - $50 administrative fee
  • After the 1st league game - $50 plus 15% of the total fees paid
  • After November 1st - $50 plus 30 % of the total fees paid
  • After December 1st - $50 plus 45% of the total fees paid
  • After January 1st - No refund

f. Refunds of team fees for players who withdraw for any reason will be subject to the following charges:

  • After the 1st league game - 15% of the total fees paid
  • After November 1st - 30 % of the total fees paid
  • After December 1st - 45% of the total fees paid
  • After January 1st - No refund

g. All board members will serve the board without renumeration.

h. Upon dissoloution of the Gloucester Centre Minor Hockey Association,all money left in the break open lottery account will be donated to a non-profit organization operating in Ontario. 

i. In cases where registration cheques are returned by the bank because of "Non Sufficent Funds"(NSF), the registrant will be charged a fee of $25 and the players privileges will be revoked until such time as proper administrative arrangements have been made with the GCMHA.

j. Players will not be allowed to participate in any games, practices or tournaments once the regular season begins unless registration fees have been paid in full or a suitable payment arrangement has been approved by the Treasurer. If the payment arrangement is breached, the player will be suspended until payment is received in full. 


a. The Nominating Committee shall consist of members appointed at the regular GCMHA Executive meeting. The Chairperson shall be specified by the GCMHA Executive.

b. All elections conducted by the Nominating Committee shall be by ballot unless otherwise determined by the membership at the Annual meeting.

c.All nominations for positions on the GCMHA Executive Committee must be submitted to the President & Secretary at least five (5) calender day's before the date of the Annual General Meeting.


a. All requests for appeals involving activities of the GCMHA shall be heard and dealt with by the GCMHA Executive at a regular or special meeting. All appeals shall be in writing, and may be submitted to any member of the GCMHA Executive within 72 hours.


a. Any member who wishes to appeal actions or treatment by his/her team officials may do so by writing to the GCMHA Executive. This can only be done after such actions have been taken to respective team coach and respective Level Convenor


Sub-committees shall be established on an as needed basis to accomplish specific tasks. The task to be accomplished and the composition of each sub-committee shall be set by the Executive Committee. Each sub-committee will consist of a minimum of two Executive members and shall report its activities/findings/recommendations to the Executive Committee. Unless otherwise specified by the Executive Committee, sub-committees do not have the power to make any decisions or take any actions on behalf of the Association. Normally any sub-committee matters requiring decisions or direction will be submitted to the Executive Committee for action.


Although it is preferable that all issues requiring Executive Committee review/approval be addressed in face-to-face meetings, if an emergency/urgent/time sensitive issue arises and it is not feasible to call an emergency/special meeting of the Committee, the President may decide to conduct the review/approval process by e-mail using the following procedure:

  • The motion requiring review/approval shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary
  • The Secretar shall forward the written submission to all Executive Committee members by e-mail
  • The members will be given 24 hours to review the issue and submit their comments to the Secretary
  • Within the 24 hours at least 15 members must acknowledge receipt of the e-mail or the process will be deemed null and void
  • The Secretary shall revise the motion in accordance with the comments received and e-mail the final version to all members for a vote
  • The motion shall carry if a minimum of 12 members advise the Secretary, within 24 hours of the sending of the final version, that they support the motion; and
  • The Secretary shall advise all members of the outcome of the vote as soon as possible, and keep Minutes of the process that will be presented at the next Executive Committee meeting for approval.

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